What the hell is going on with that god damn dirty language stuff?那个满口脏话的家伙他妈的到底在干什么?
Fuck you the fucking fucker!你他妈的真混蛋!
Get the fucking my way!他妈的给我滚!
what a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!
you’re a disgrace. 你真丢人!
What the hell did you see that?我靠,你看到了吗?
What the hell is wrong with you?我靠,你到底怎么了?
You’re fucking piece of shit! 你他妈的就是一砣屎,你他妈的什么也不是!
The fucking mofo, I want to kill you!Cocksucker!你妈的,我要杀了你!贱人!
less, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fatass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spineless, worm-headed sack of monkey shit!”
1. Go to hell. 去死吧。
2. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!
3. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?
4. Idon’twant to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!
5. Knock it off. 少来这一套。
6. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!
7. Get lost.滚开!
8.Takea hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
9. You piss me off. 你气死我了。
10. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!
11. How dare you! 你敢!
12.Cut it out. 省省吧。
13. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。
14. I’mfedup. 我厌倦了。
15. I can’ttakeit anymore. 我受不了了!
16.I’vehad enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。